Saturday 24 October 2009

Saturday Is (not) The New Sunday

So yesterday and today, I have been feeling the effects of early monring training runs, 12+ hours at work and David Dimbleby. So when it came to yesterday morning, and given that Kate was running in the evening, having had 5 hours, sleep the idea of going out in the rain wasn't too appealing. Plus some good friends keep saying I need to taper. So I stayed in bed an extra hour, before heading to the BP garage in Hemel to read the front pages and grab a coffee and muffin.

I planned to evening session to be some speed work at Westminster Lodge on the track, followed by spinning at the gym. Alas, the track was closed due to some winter thingy, so I headed out towards the Hollybush, before returning to the gym, completing an 8 or so mile loop in 55 mins. I then continued to the spin room as planned, whilst Anthony told us we were going Brazilian in the morning. I was slightly worried, plus I'm out of wax. I then headed home for an evening in front of the sofa, and some fun with the foam roller, courtesy of Karen the physio.

So Saturday morning came. Mr. McIntyre had planned to do Sunday's run today, which kind of offset things a bit. If we were to do Sunday's run on Saturday, then I should expect the shops to remain closed until 10am and be having dinner with my nan as I write this. Plus, does that mean I can do Saturday on Sunday? It would be unheard of to go to work the day after Saturday. And when do I do my washing, let alone put the clocks back? Niall - you've confused me! So anyway, as it turned out, I awoke at 6:20am, turned the alarm off and went straight back to sleep. Only to be woken by my mother and father who decided we needed to go to London to get Visa's for NY next week. A quick inspection of the tickets and a handy link to the ESTA gov website, and we were all visa'd up.

So off to the gym. A quick 10 minute burst on the cross-trainer at level 18, then into Spin for Anthony's Brazilian. Having recently downloaded Bruno I was a bit scared, but thankfully he was talking about Brazilian music (although Equador by Sash is a little further South). So a medium 45 minute session before heading to Starbucks for a well deserved coffee. After lunch, I planned to do a pyramid session at Westminster Lodge (200-400-800-1200-800-400-200), however I couldn't be bothered to fuss with my Garmin, so attempted the 10X400m reps I did on Monday. I think it may have been a combination of eating only an hour before and having had a tough week and spun in the morning, but I was struggling after 5, and what stopped me was the pain in my right arm. It was like I had been punched. As I write this, I am trying not to let it hit the desk. Some Ibuprofen will hopefully keep it at ease until tomorrow. My Garmin however lost the data from today's 5 reps - clearly a sign.

Tomorrow the plan is to run with Speirsy & 2 others over a 10-12 mile course at marathon pace. Quite looking forward to that. ANd one week to go until New York and counting...

Thursday 22 October 2009

Wish I'd Have Stayed in Bed(mond)

Waking up at 5:15am when my flat is the same temperature as outside, is not inspiration for a mid-distance run. Add the rain and fog, and I still question why I bothered. Anyway, left the flat and headed to St. Albans to meet Kate, before heading to Fitness First to ditch my bag and head out towards the country lanes. Yesterday was my physio session with Karen, who couldn't stress enough how much I need to lay off the stretching, and that I am just too flexible. No wait - wrong way round!

I'm glad Kate was also questioning why we were doing this, given the bad weather. But we up the high street, towards Batchwood road, before heading up Blue House Lane and into the woods towards Bedmond. It is amazing how dark it is now. You actually cannot see a thing. We just hope the cars see us, as their headlights blaze through the hedges. But luckily, the lack of light disguised the hills, so when we were into mile 7 and I wondered why my legs were tightening, it was a relief to see we had finished the bulk of the hills. So back towards St. Albans, before breaking out onto the Chiswell Green road, then heading back passing the fancy houses and then back to the gym.

11.6 Miles in 1:28. Nothing amazing, even though we were sure we were going faster until we heard the 7:30 bells from the tower. Planning on doing Yoga later.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Run, Spin, Wind & Rain

As with most Wednesday's, I got up at 5:15am, shot over the St. Albans, picked Kate up then headed to the gym before embarking on a medium paced run before the 7am spin. The only difference was the weather and the light - or total lack of it!

So we headed out towards Hollybush, running up Blue Tree Hill. Th
e turning from the A414 to Hollybush was enough to make you turn back! Kate had almost turned back yesterday as it was just too dark, but braved it. Given that we only ran this a few days ago, the change in light was unbelievable. So the pace wasnt too fast, given fear of breaking legs and needing to save some pace in case the grim reaper were to show. So we finished the run in around 48 mins (5.87 miles) - can't expect great things given the weather and the bad light.

Next was spin - usual 45 min session. Dodgy bike meant my leg kept spinning out the peddle. Quick shower then off to DSGi to prepare for the launch of Windows 7 and the promo codes.

Physio tonight with Karen then longish (11-12 mile) run in the morning with Kate - just hope we get some light (-:

Tuesday 20 October 2009

4:30am - 11.2 mile run and PT session

Back at 7:30am today from the Tuesday session and starting from home as off into London today. So a steady 11.2 mile run around Chiswell Green, from St. Albans, missing out Batchwood as the rapists and mass murderers may still be looming form the night before. Finished slow in 86 mins, but guessing this decrease in speed was due to yesterday afternoon's reps.

Arrived at gym before 6:30am's session which today entailed:
Set 1 - 10 pullups (full dangle) & 10 press ups on medicine ball (repeated 3 times)
Set 2 - 55kg Bench Press (10-15 reps) couples with 25kg bar for biceps (15 reps). (repeated 2 times)
Set 3 - Dips (15 reps @ 90 degrees), with bicep curls (25kg X 15 reps) repeated twice.
Set 4 - Pyramid on treadmill (1 min at 10km/h flat, 1 min @ 15km/h, 1 min at 10km/h incline 8)
Set 5 - Dumb bell raises (floor to over head for 1st set, then floor to side for second) with 20 then 100 back tail raises off the mat (repeated twice)
Set 6 - Stepper (level 20) at overspeed coupled with cable pull, and incline chest press - 30 reps (2 diff sets)
Set 7 - Leg Press (79kg) - 2 sets of 15, with a final hold of 15 seconds.
Set 8 - Quad stretches

and all done by 7:30am.... Now off to London

Monday 19 October 2009

10 X 400m Intervals

Today is the forteenth day that comes around twice a month (or thrice if I am really unlucky) where I have to be at work for 7am. As much as I had planned to do a 5am run, the fear of relinguishing my duvet was too much. The thought of cycling was also deterred by the near miss with a Morrison's lorry on Saturday, who came to the conclusion that I was an appartion and he could drive through me.

So having spoken to Kenny on Saturday and Spearsy yesterday about intervals, I decided it was time to do more speed work, and 2 sandwiches and a flapjack later, that time had arrived. The session was simple - run from Fitness First in St. Albans to Westminster Lodge, do 10 reps of 400m with a 60 second rest in between, before running back to the gym. Simples!

All went to plan. Best lap was 80 seconds, with a maximum speed of 4:26 p/mile. Definitiely something to work on. Planning to do intervals once or twice a week now at Westminster, so if you wanna join me....

Sunday 18 October 2009

A Bike, A Bison & 16.5 Miles

This weekend was jam packed with endurance. The plan for Saturday was to meet Kenny and Paul at the West Common roundabout, however only Kenny showed as Paul was saving himself for today's (Sunday's) grand finale.

So we set off down towards Redbourne before finally heading to Whipsnade and Dunstable whilst taking in Berkamstead, Ashridge, 6 Deer and some wallabies. Despite seeing the wallabies when we reached the top of Bison hill (which had been deemed impossible by some), I was safe in the knowledge that we hadn't climbed up to Australia as Kenny reassuringly pointed out that we were by the fence of the zoo. Averaging around 20 miles for the duration, we then headed back home (Kenny to Harpenden and me to Hatfield), meaning I completed exactly 50 miles in 186 mins.

So Sunday came only to soon and Simon and I had planned a twenty-one mile 7-7:15 run either in Hatfield or Harpenden. Harpenden was the choice and off we set with Niall, Kenny, Paul and newbie John, before taking a lead along the St. Albans Road and heading towards Fishpond Lane, around the park and back towards Wheathampstead. After going through many fields and slipping in speed, we mutually decided to cut the run short and stay fresh at the end. So we arrived back at Niall's house a little after 9:15am, having completed 16.5 miles.

So the afternoon consisted of work, Curb Your Enthusiasm and ironing, before heading to Fitness First for some x-training, an interval spin and then abs. Off to nan's for dinner then home to bed as an early start tomorrow.

Monday 5 October 2009

Twenty Mile High

So this is my first post in a very long time. Sunday marked the day of my planned long run. With only four weeks to go until the New York Marathon and the Herts 10K being only a week away, it was time to get some miles in at speed. The rest of Running Fource were doing an easy hour in Harpenden, whilst Niall recited Abba versus from his gig the night before.

So I set off at 7am on this cold morning, heading out from Hatfield towards WGC and then into Panshanger. A minor detour (i.e. missing the turning for Hertford) meant I had already accumulated an extra 1.5 miles by the time I reached the Cole Green Way. I then headed up towards Hertford, being crossed twice by a one eared dog and some serial rapist on a bike. With the aim of hitting Hertford with 10 miles on the clock, I actually was closer to 12. I then span round and headed back along the Cole Green Way, before doing a lap through Panshanger. Again, I found myself de-touring from the usual route. Thirty odd minutes to be precise, before I was back on track. I then looked at my watch and realised I had already run 19 miles and still had some 5 or six miles to go before I hit Hatfield. I carried on until I passed the Welwyn/Hatfield roundabout, where I hit exactly 20 miles and decided to walk the rest. My aim was to run 20/21 miles and I wasnt going to run any more. Walking towards Stanborough Lake, 2:33 mins of sweat started to freeze, and I whimped out and called a taxi home (it would have still been some 2.5 miles to walk).

All in all, pleased with the run. Even managed Spin in the evening.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Ramada Wolverhampton - Don't Bother!

Dear Sir/Madam

I am emailing you regarding my recent stay at the Park Hall Hotel, Wolverhampton. I booked a family room via Expedia, to stay for one night at this hotel on 5 September 2009. Judging from the website and the Expedia rating, I gathered I would have a comfortable, enjoyable stay here, whilst making a leisure visit for the Wolverhampton Marathon.

I must say how wrong I was. Upon arriving at the hotel at around 4pm on Saturday (yesterday), I was made to wait as my booking could not be found. After several minutes it emerged that rather than my name being as it is on the booking (David Adam Moritz), it was in fact, “Adam, David Coritz”. How on earth someone makes a copying error like this is beyond me. Surely the hotel would have received my name and details from Expedia? The next insult was being shown a docket for a single room, amounting to £52. I paid £62 via Expedia for a family room. If you are going to try and rip me off, at least don’t show me the real price. Although this error was corrected, the real fun began around 9pm.

As I stated, I stayed at your hotel for the sole purpose of the marathon. I run many races throughout the year, and whilst training is obviously essential, a good night’s sleep prior to an event is as pivotal. Having the whole room shake from between 9pm – 1am due to a wedding reception being held metres from my room is not acceptable. Having kids running up and down the corridor at all hours is not acceptable either. I did not get an ounce of sleep. At one point I telephones reception, and mentioned that I could not sleep and this was unreasonable and was told “but, the noise has been going on since you arrived. Was it not a problem then?” As much as may look a bit withered at the best of times, I have not reached the point in my life where I need to go to sleep at 4pm, which I am guessing is what this male receptionist was referring to, as this is when I arrived. His tone of voice and explanation made me feel like this is acceptable and I should deal with it. I understand that people have weddings and consequently have parties, but surely you have a responsibility to the fellow guests in the hotel? If I wanted to hear the bass line to Loveshack, or screaming kids singing along to girl bands in the middle of the night, I would pitch a tent outside one of London’s many nightclubs!

I feel I should be compensated for this very unsatisfactory stay at the above hotel. I got very little sleep and awoke in a foul mood. Despite this being a rant however, I must compliment the female receptionist who was on duty when I arrived on Saturday afternoon and into the early evening, for her diligence in correcting the room error, organising me a taxi and allowing me to have an earlier breakfast. Her level of service was excellent, however the rest of the visit was unacceptable.

I look forward to hearing from you within the next couple of days.


David Adam Moritz

Thursday 18 June 2009

35th & Scorching

Well, its been a while since I updated the blog. This is largely owing to the setup of a new business venture - V10 Media which officially sponsors Running Fource. So anyway, so much running and such great weather has contributed to perhaps what was the best run of my life last Sunday.

Running Fource's Niall McIntyre and Kenny Murray turned up for this great event. All sporting the new V10 Media shirts, we scattered amongst the some 5000 people at this event (half of which were partaking in the half marathon race). So according to my watch, three minutes before 10am, we were off and I was right at the front. Unlike most races I have done, this time I decided to be right at the front and aim to hold my position for as long as possible. Having only run twice the week before, and done nothing between midday Friday and race day, I was also in better stead for this day. So down towards Batchwood and I am still only a dozen people or so behind the lead runner. Up into Batchwood, before descending towards Bedmond and the race got a bit more serious. The poor guy on my shoulder for the first half was struggling with some sort of virus. I only pray it was not swine flu (sniff sniff). Maintaning my position I reluctantly let anyone past me. Approaching mile seven, the marshall stated that I was in position 34. Pleased at hearing this, I became even more reluctant to let anyone pass, and even wanted to get further in front. Mile 11, the same marshall counted me as being in position 31. This was it! The following mile was quite tough, as we left the country roads and enter the more populated area, and at this point I dropped back a few positions. However, down back into the park, I kicked to the end on the finishing streterch, achieving a time of 86:36 and being in 35th place. Dehydrated I was, but too overjoyed to care.

So now Im almost certain that my focus will be on anything less than a half marathon for the next 24 months. I have the ING New York Marathon in November, and a few halves along the way, as well as the Mazda London Triathlon. Today, Ive just completed a 13.5 mile run from Hertford to Hatfield, but the time of 1:42 - a time which wouldn't have been too bad for an easy training run last year, is now far too slow than what I fell I should be running at.

Till the next time...

Monday 11 May 2009

Two Ten's and a Marathon

So training has been going well apart from some discomfort from my Achilles tendon (known to many as itous of the tendon). Much to my thinking that this was caused by running, it turns out it could actually be from spinning at the gym in running shoes as opposed to cleats. Lesson learned! So an agonising hour spent with James Lenaghan and his healing hands, I feel a lot less stress in my legs.

So yesterday was the St. Albans 10K. A fantastically sunny day ideal for running through the back roads of St. Albans towards Bedmond. I definitely should not have run 12 miles or spun the day before if I was to get a decent time. However, school boy errors aside, I finished 21st in a time of 39:46 (Check results here)

So next Sunday is the Wheathampstead 10K, where Running Fource will be making a debut appearance (myself, Niall, Kenny and Paul so far - feel free to join us...) and again I will be aiming for a sub-40 time (although a hilly course that could be made even harder if it rains the night before).

Following that is the ING Luxembourg Marathon on 22 May. An unusual start time of 18:00, but like Rotterdam a relatively flat course.

Till the next time.....

Friday 17 April 2009

Rotter(damn) Marathon & Heathside

Well, again it's been weeks since an update. Two weeks ago today, I set off for Rotterdam to partake in the marathon courtesy of Adidas. A good taper I felt in the week leading up, althoguh the perils of work meant that getting in late meant meals were sacrificed for sleep and morning runs several times. On Staurday 4 April, I rocked up at the Beurs World Trade Centre, Rotterdam to collect my chip and numbers. Annoyed that I had been placed in group C (sub 3:30) I tried to get upgraded to 3:00 given my previous times, but the fuhrer was having none of it. So, stupidly with my parents, I did quite a bit of walking on Staurday and struggled to find a pasta meal in the evening - good planning Dave! Eventually we found a pasta restaurant, but I didn't eat till late and didn't eat a marathon meal (excuse the pun - cold coming on I feel).

So Sunday. I arrived at the race start early, following an early breakfast in the Hilton Hotel Rotterdam. Being at the front of the D section was comforting, but chatting to some Swiss fool and listening to his "expertise" of marathon running and how watched were a worthless necessity was just annoying. So anyway, at 11am the gun went and all was good. Despite an unplanned toilet break at km 2 (I was crammed at the front for 30 minutes so no chance to dash to the portaloo or even use a bottle) I was still running my km laps between 4:08 and 4:15. Was perhaps going a tad too fast but wasn't worried at this point. I even overtook a runner from Garden City Joggers at the section whcih loops back. At around 25km I saw my mother who was eagerly standing by the side of the track with her camera. All was good. I hit a half marathon of 1:27:30 (2 seconds off my pb for an incline half marathon) Until km 33...

So around the 30km mark, my left leg started to go. It felt heavy and was throbbing. I dropped my speed slightly, but was still holding around 4:10/km and hoping to finish at 2:56/2:57. However, I got the same sensation in my right leg, dropped back a bit until at 33 km's, I could no longer run. I walked and jogged, before being pulled over by a medic. He massaged the upper legs and told me to take some sugar right away. A bottle of Isotonic formular later, I am back on the track, but limping/walking/jogging. I decided around 37km, that jogging to the end was the only way. I swallowed my pride and the pain and continued to the finish line. The crowd was amazing (although they could have been implying I was a caring understanding nineties type or theat they would c me next tuesday - my Dutch is very limited). So 3:21 was the time and the pain was unreal. I iced both legs when I returned to the hotel and went out for a walk and coffee. It wasn't an injury - that much I know from being able to carry on running two days later, so I guess it was either setting off too fast, or not taking enough food on board. I feel cutting out too much the week before, may have been my downfall. Check out the videos and pictures and full stats here

So, Monday morning I attempted the gym but decided rest was desperately needed. Monday evening I completed a slow un-timed 4 mile run, and then a 10 mile run Tuesday morning. Ironically, Friday I completed my regular St. Albans loop in a record of 1:25 for 12 miles (very hilly and not the fastest course) and Sunday completed a 16 mile run in 1:59 (2 mins of my PB for that course) and beat a club runner. However, this week has been filled with pain and as a result a lack of running and increase of gym sessions.

Tuesday however I went along to the Heathside Running Club and completed 2X600m and 8X800m reps. 2:57 was the best for the 800's and 3:00 the worst. Defintiely some work to be done, but a friendly club. I shall join!

Today planned an 18 mile 5am run, but the rain was just too much and am feeling a cold coming on so decided a tough fast gym session would be better.... and drier.

Till tomorrow...... Oh and and forthcoming ING Luxembourg Marathon on 22 May (redemption)

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Who's The Big Cow?

So long has passed since the last post, and as if by magic, we are in a new month. More time for blogging is a definite must! So last Saturday was the second race in the Big Cow Winter Duathlon series. Quite a challenge, given how good the other athletes were, and their on-the-bike experience.

So the race started at 11:30am from within the grounds of the Milton Keynes National Bowl. Windy, rainy and grey, I set off on the first 4.5km run, heading out onto the lake. A strong run finishing in 16:50 (2:40 behind the leader). A quick transition I thought, but double the time of the winner. The bike section was challenging. 12 laps of the bowl, totalling 16km (9.8 miles). Lap 5 saw was incredibly tough due to the hail from above. T2 was a bit of a disaster due to not having elastic laces. Thanks to the guy who pointed this out at T2 - a very useful comment in the middle of a race. So the second run was very challenging. One thing I've always found tough is running after a tough cycle, and this was no exception. Again finishing 2:18 behind the winner, this is definitely an area for improvement. So a time of 67:07, put me in 39th place, 13 minutes behind the winner. A good base and will deifnitely be a lot quciker next time. A full breakdown is here.

So now all the lies between me and Sunday's nmarathon is two short runs and four more sleeps. Check out all the action live on Universal Sports.

Monday 9 March 2009

Legs, Bums, Tums & Pain

After Friday's long run, I opted made it to a spin session in the evening and like after every session, walked away deafened by the music from Kate's sessions. By Saturday morning, I decided I needed a change from the usual run/cycle brick session, and as I walked past the studio, saw a Legs, Bums & Tums class about to start. After a positive scan, ensuring I wouldn't be the only male, I sneaked into the back of the class, and before long my naive incling of this being a class for overweight middle aged women was quickly revoked.

Cycling after this session on Saturday was agony. By Sunday, I not only looked like John Wayne but was also walking like him aswell. This session is not for the faint hearted nor ideal for hard steep runs the following day. I'm sure it worked something, but I now feel like half the man I was (ahem).

So, Sunday's dedicated day consisted of an 11 mile run with Niall and Paul at 7:15am, towards Brocket Hall, Lemsford and the John Bunyan pub in Wheathampstead, followed by a series of diagonal cross country routes, carefully picked by Niall. My quads held up for the duration, before embarking on a 45 minute cross-training blast at the gym, in preparation for my hour long session with my coach. A productive session with lots of strength and flexibility work.

The afternoon involved a quick trip round the farmer's marker - I came away with two farmers (both at very good prices), listening to Joanne Newsome's album, and then a final 90 minute spin, x-train and abs session at the gym.

By Monday, the easy long run transpired into a slow, painful trot (although only 4 mins slower than usual for this 13.5 mile loop).

I feel the end is nigh....

Friday 6 March 2009

A New PB & Eighteen Miles High

Well, having not blogged for weeks due to extreme business and the loss of use of my fingers, I can confirm that training has been going well. Last Sunday I conquered the famous Berkampstead Half Marathon renowned for it's hideous hills and fantastic decline in the final mile along with Niall and Kenny and achieved a new PB in the process. 87:20 was the official time, placing 69th out of some 1191 finishers. Disappointing to know that the same time last year would have placed me in the top 30. But a fantastic race all the same with cracking weather and scenery.

The preparation on Brighton's hills during the week leading up to the event definitely came into play. I also qualified for a guaranteed entry into the NYC Marathon 2009 in October, which I will definitely be competing in. Sadly Tokyo is a no go due to the GBP's poor value and Japan's high prices. If you know a way of reclaiming entry fee's, do let me know.

So with only 4 weeks to go until Rotterdam I figured now would be a good time to get in a long run, so embarked on an 18.3 mile trot this morning, finshing in 2:18 - four minutes down on my previous attempt but put this down to too many miles these last few weeks, the race 5 days ago and noisy neighbours. So injury free and tapering is key for the coming 30 days.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

MaMeeting, MaDinner, MaLaga

Monday started prompty at 4:55am with a 10.3 mile run (1:16) towards St. Albans and back at a recovery pace, before darting off to Gatwick Airport to catch a flighr to Marbella (and no - to all who follow so that you may rob my flat, it is occupied in my absence - hehe). So the plan was a taxi to St. Albans then the train all the way to Gatwick, but with your life in First Capital Connect's hands, it is never that simple. Power failures meant all trains terminated at Kings. However, managed to sprint to Victoria and got on the Express, meaning I only lost 25 minutes. Viva Espana!

Sunday 15 February 2009

Sunday Muddy Sunday

So the Sunday session starts religiously outside Niall's hopuse at 7:15am every Sunday, with a brief discussion of the session hgeld by email or messenger in the week, followed by a route dispensed the night before. Myself, Niall, Kenny and Paul all started off towards Luton, then back on the Nikky Line heading towards Redbourne, before cutting into Beesonend Lane, heading back toward West Common, Crabtree Lane and finally home. A muddy 10.78 miles, made all the more difficult by yesterday's hill & sprint session. I struggled to maintain the pace at times, but attribute this to sore calf muscles.

So returning to Niall's, I head staright for Fitness First, St. Albans, to continue with a combo of cross-training and stepping at a high intensity, before an hour of strength training commences. Three hours solid and I am cooked, heading home for toast beans and eggs - the perfect balance for recovery and to aid tonight's cycling session in St. Albans.

All I can say is at least it wasn't raining, and it was amazingly bright early this morning. Is spring on it's way? hmmm....

Saturday 14 February 2009

A Valentine's Tri

After weeks of St. Albans' hills wither being too icy, snow covered or dark, I was finally able to get a good hill session in early this morning, with some fast flats, and a sprint through the market to finsih (which attracted a lot of attention due to me being on the road and heading for the traffic).

So after clocking 1:27 for 12 miles going steady, a quick transition at Fitness First and then straight into a 45 minute spin session. A good session, but feeling the burn!

Next to Starbuck's to meet the folks and refuel with a vat of coffee, followed by a leisurely lunch in London Colney, a spot of shopping then home to watch Eagle vs. Shark with Jermaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords. Cracking Kiwi action! Definitely exhausted from this week's intense training and long hours at work, but recovering for a 10 mile race-pace x-county run tomorow with Niall ( and the gang, followed by a session with the coach and cycling in the evening.

A good relaxing Saturday all in all.

Friday 13 February 2009

Rotters Marathon Coming Up!

Got a call from Lynn at Adidas yesterday offering me a place in the Rotterdam 2009 marathon. A tough field, but apparently fast course so hoping for a sub-3 time. Only a 8 weeks to go, and a great city. More to come...

Rest Day? No Way!

So today's session wasn't anything to write, tweet, Yammer or email home about, but woth Blogging all the same. Feeling the burn from the previous day, I resorted to the gym for some plyometrics, core work and a tad of cross-training. Then off to Starbucks for an Americano and email chaser.

Happy Days!