Wednesday 21 October 2009

Run, Spin, Wind & Rain

As with most Wednesday's, I got up at 5:15am, shot over the St. Albans, picked Kate up then headed to the gym before embarking on a medium paced run before the 7am spin. The only difference was the weather and the light - or total lack of it!

So we headed out towards Hollybush, running up Blue Tree Hill. Th
e turning from the A414 to Hollybush was enough to make you turn back! Kate had almost turned back yesterday as it was just too dark, but braved it. Given that we only ran this a few days ago, the change in light was unbelievable. So the pace wasnt too fast, given fear of breaking legs and needing to save some pace in case the grim reaper were to show. So we finished the run in around 48 mins (5.87 miles) - can't expect great things given the weather and the bad light.

Next was spin - usual 45 min session. Dodgy bike meant my leg kept spinning out the peddle. Quick shower then off to DSGi to prepare for the launch of Windows 7 and the promo codes.

Physio tonight with Karen then longish (11-12 mile) run in the morning with Kate - just hope we get some light (-:

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