Thursday 18 June 2009

35th & Scorching

Well, its been a while since I updated the blog. This is largely owing to the setup of a new business venture - V10 Media which officially sponsors Running Fource. So anyway, so much running and such great weather has contributed to perhaps what was the best run of my life last Sunday.

Running Fource's Niall McIntyre and Kenny Murray turned up for this great event. All sporting the new V10 Media shirts, we scattered amongst the some 5000 people at this event (half of which were partaking in the half marathon race). So according to my watch, three minutes before 10am, we were off and I was right at the front. Unlike most races I have done, this time I decided to be right at the front and aim to hold my position for as long as possible. Having only run twice the week before, and done nothing between midday Friday and race day, I was also in better stead for this day. So down towards Batchwood and I am still only a dozen people or so behind the lead runner. Up into Batchwood, before descending towards Bedmond and the race got a bit more serious. The poor guy on my shoulder for the first half was struggling with some sort of virus. I only pray it was not swine flu (sniff sniff). Maintaning my position I reluctantly let anyone past me. Approaching mile seven, the marshall stated that I was in position 34. Pleased at hearing this, I became even more reluctant to let anyone pass, and even wanted to get further in front. Mile 11, the same marshall counted me as being in position 31. This was it! The following mile was quite tough, as we left the country roads and enter the more populated area, and at this point I dropped back a few positions. However, down back into the park, I kicked to the end on the finishing streterch, achieving a time of 86:36 and being in 35th place. Dehydrated I was, but too overjoyed to care.

So now Im almost certain that my focus will be on anything less than a half marathon for the next 24 months. I have the ING New York Marathon in November, and a few halves along the way, as well as the Mazda London Triathlon. Today, Ive just completed a 13.5 mile run from Hertford to Hatfield, but the time of 1:42 - a time which wouldn't have been too bad for an easy training run last year, is now far too slow than what I fell I should be running at.

Till the next time...

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