Monday 19 October 2009

10 X 400m Intervals

Today is the forteenth day that comes around twice a month (or thrice if I am really unlucky) where I have to be at work for 7am. As much as I had planned to do a 5am run, the fear of relinguishing my duvet was too much. The thought of cycling was also deterred by the near miss with a Morrison's lorry on Saturday, who came to the conclusion that I was an appartion and he could drive through me.

So having spoken to Kenny on Saturday and Spearsy yesterday about intervals, I decided it was time to do more speed work, and 2 sandwiches and a flapjack later, that time had arrived. The session was simple - run from Fitness First in St. Albans to Westminster Lodge, do 10 reps of 400m with a 60 second rest in between, before running back to the gym. Simples!

All went to plan. Best lap was 80 seconds, with a maximum speed of 4:26 p/mile. Definitiely something to work on. Planning to do intervals once or twice a week now at Westminster, so if you wanna join me....


FitScottishBloke said...

Good start, if rather uneaven. I think you should do longer reps more even.

David Moritz said...

How do you mean more even? Do you mean a lesser range of time between each set (i.e. 1:24-1:20)? Bearing in mind the Garmin also counts the rest as a split, hence the odd graph. Cheers matey