Monday 9 March 2009

Legs, Bums, Tums & Pain

After Friday's long run, I opted made it to a spin session in the evening and like after every session, walked away deafened by the music from Kate's sessions. By Saturday morning, I decided I needed a change from the usual run/cycle brick session, and as I walked past the studio, saw a Legs, Bums & Tums class about to start. After a positive scan, ensuring I wouldn't be the only male, I sneaked into the back of the class, and before long my naive incling of this being a class for overweight middle aged women was quickly revoked.

Cycling after this session on Saturday was agony. By Sunday, I not only looked like John Wayne but was also walking like him aswell. This session is not for the faint hearted nor ideal for hard steep runs the following day. I'm sure it worked something, but I now feel like half the man I was (ahem).

So, Sunday's dedicated day consisted of an 11 mile run with Niall and Paul at 7:15am, towards Brocket Hall, Lemsford and the John Bunyan pub in Wheathampstead, followed by a series of diagonal cross country routes, carefully picked by Niall. My quads held up for the duration, before embarking on a 45 minute cross-training blast at the gym, in preparation for my hour long session with my coach. A productive session with lots of strength and flexibility work.

The afternoon involved a quick trip round the farmer's marker - I came away with two farmers (both at very good prices), listening to Joanne Newsome's album, and then a final 90 minute spin, x-train and abs session at the gym.

By Monday, the easy long run transpired into a slow, painful trot (although only 4 mins slower than usual for this 13.5 mile loop).

I feel the end is nigh....

Friday 6 March 2009

A New PB & Eighteen Miles High

Well, having not blogged for weeks due to extreme business and the loss of use of my fingers, I can confirm that training has been going well. Last Sunday I conquered the famous Berkampstead Half Marathon renowned for it's hideous hills and fantastic decline in the final mile along with Niall and Kenny and achieved a new PB in the process. 87:20 was the official time, placing 69th out of some 1191 finishers. Disappointing to know that the same time last year would have placed me in the top 30. But a fantastic race all the same with cracking weather and scenery.

The preparation on Brighton's hills during the week leading up to the event definitely came into play. I also qualified for a guaranteed entry into the NYC Marathon 2009 in October, which I will definitely be competing in. Sadly Tokyo is a no go due to the GBP's poor value and Japan's high prices. If you know a way of reclaiming entry fee's, do let me know.

So with only 4 weeks to go until Rotterdam I figured now would be a good time to get in a long run, so embarked on an 18.3 mile trot this morning, finshing in 2:18 - four minutes down on my previous attempt but put this down to too many miles these last few weeks, the race 5 days ago and noisy neighbours. So injury free and tapering is key for the coming 30 days.