Wednesday 18 February 2009

MaMeeting, MaDinner, MaLaga

Monday started prompty at 4:55am with a 10.3 mile run (1:16) towards St. Albans and back at a recovery pace, before darting off to Gatwick Airport to catch a flighr to Marbella (and no - to all who follow so that you may rob my flat, it is occupied in my absence - hehe). So the plan was a taxi to St. Albans then the train all the way to Gatwick, but with your life in First Capital Connect's hands, it is never that simple. Power failures meant all trains terminated at Kings. However, managed to sprint to Victoria and got on the Express, meaning I only lost 25 minutes. Viva Espana!

Sunday 15 February 2009

Sunday Muddy Sunday

So the Sunday session starts religiously outside Niall's hopuse at 7:15am every Sunday, with a brief discussion of the session hgeld by email or messenger in the week, followed by a route dispensed the night before. Myself, Niall, Kenny and Paul all started off towards Luton, then back on the Nikky Line heading towards Redbourne, before cutting into Beesonend Lane, heading back toward West Common, Crabtree Lane and finally home. A muddy 10.78 miles, made all the more difficult by yesterday's hill & sprint session. I struggled to maintain the pace at times, but attribute this to sore calf muscles.

So returning to Niall's, I head staright for Fitness First, St. Albans, to continue with a combo of cross-training and stepping at a high intensity, before an hour of strength training commences. Three hours solid and I am cooked, heading home for toast beans and eggs - the perfect balance for recovery and to aid tonight's cycling session in St. Albans.

All I can say is at least it wasn't raining, and it was amazingly bright early this morning. Is spring on it's way? hmmm....

Saturday 14 February 2009

A Valentine's Tri

After weeks of St. Albans' hills wither being too icy, snow covered or dark, I was finally able to get a good hill session in early this morning, with some fast flats, and a sprint through the market to finsih (which attracted a lot of attention due to me being on the road and heading for the traffic).

So after clocking 1:27 for 12 miles going steady, a quick transition at Fitness First and then straight into a 45 minute spin session. A good session, but feeling the burn!

Next to Starbuck's to meet the folks and refuel with a vat of coffee, followed by a leisurely lunch in London Colney, a spot of shopping then home to watch Eagle vs. Shark with Jermaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords. Cracking Kiwi action! Definitely exhausted from this week's intense training and long hours at work, but recovering for a 10 mile race-pace x-county run tomorow with Niall ( and the gang, followed by a session with the coach and cycling in the evening.

A good relaxing Saturday all in all.

Friday 13 February 2009

Rotters Marathon Coming Up!

Got a call from Lynn at Adidas yesterday offering me a place in the Rotterdam 2009 marathon. A tough field, but apparently fast course so hoping for a sub-3 time. Only a 8 weeks to go, and a great city. More to come...

Rest Day? No Way!

So today's session wasn't anything to write, tweet, Yammer or email home about, but woth Blogging all the same. Feeling the burn from the previous day, I resorted to the gym for some plyometrics, core work and a tad of cross-training. Then off to Starbucks for an Americano and email chaser.

Happy Days!